You need to fall. Fall flat on your face. It's how you pick yourself up that's important. — Munah
Hi Munah! Tell us more about yourself.
Munah: Hello, I'm Munah Bagharib and I'm an actress, host and self proclaimed wizard. Yes, like Harry Potter!
Describe your style in three words. M: Classic, sexy and flirty.
What are you up to these days?
M: I'm working on a few projects at the moment, but the main one is a theatre production I'm working on with multimedia and film maker extraordinaire, Brian Gothong Tan, for Esplanade Theatres. It's called Lost Cinema 20/20 and I think will be a beautiful cinematic piece that highlights the curious state of awareness when we dream.
What is one poor habit you've swapped out from your life for something better? M: I used to have the habit of pushing myself and not knowing when to stop. But after a few pitfalls here and there, I've since realised the importance of shutting down and taking a break. It makes a huge difference because you actually give your body and mind time to recharge & reset. And you stay efficient and productive that way. Instead of burning yourself out for no reason.
Spill the beans! How do you always look so healthy and glowing?
M: Hahaha, I don't la! But thank you! I have had quite a change in lifestyle over the last year. I make sure to stay active, so I exercise a lot more now and I eat a little better. A lot of people ask me if I'm on a strict diet but honestly, I've just started to eat vegetables. Hahaha! I used to HATE vegetables ok! But I think putting importance on my health and what I consume (even small things like eating less fried stuff) plays a huge difference on how I feel and my overall stamina.
What are your thoughts on the term "Circular Economy"?
M: I think it's crucial at this point of time for us to understand and adopt a Circular Economy. The benefits that come from Circular Economy are greater than we realise. Instead of just making something and then disposing of it after use, you find more purpose to the item and give it a whole new life by regenerating the product or material into something else. That is the first step of reducing wastage.
How can one stay woke in this era of a Climate Emergency?
M: Conversations, discussions, questions. There is A LOT going on and to say you want to do your part, yes that's one thing. But it's also important to understand what you're doing and how it's making the world a better place to live in. So I say, don't be so hard on each other. We are all in this process together, so make the effort to learn, ask questions and discuss. We need each other, for great change to happen.
What are some little steps in your daily life you've implemented to live a more sustainable lifestyle?
M: I have to be honest, I've only just adopted this and am still learning how to do it. It's one thing to think, yes I want a more sustainable lifestyle but it's a whole other thing to actually make effort and change your old habits. But it is always good to be aware of your progress. At the moment, I'm starting with buying less (clothes, in this case), because I find that I always end up with things I only wear once or not at all. I've also found joy in packing up things I either wear lightly or not at all and finding a new home for them. So that's been really helpful in my baby steps into this sustainable lifestyle.
What is one advice you will tell your 18 year old self?
M: Don't be so hard on yourself.
I've always taken life pretty lightly and recognise the importance of finding joy in little things. However, when things get hard, things are really hard and I start to blame myself or think I'm not good enough or I'm too afraid to take the leap. But what I've learned is that, when you just take that leap and leave that doubt behind... Great things don't happen, instantly. Haha. But great things DO happen. You need to fall. Fall flat on your face. It's how you pick yourself up that's important. It's who you realise are there to fight with you, that's important. So I'd tell my 18 year old self just that.
Tell us a quote you live by.
M: It's not exactly a quote but it's something my dad taught me, that I always carry with me.
It's to never ever be arrogant. Be grateful.
Keep a lookout for Munah's Swapalicious outfits online!
Nobody's a stranger here, follow Munah on Instagram @munahbagharib
Before you go, don't miss out a quick snippet of what went down at our first-ever influencer swap party in 2020! We hosted an intimate swap party at Rentadella's brand new show room.
The party was graced by friends of Swapaholic and Rentadella who are beautiful advocates of consuming fashion sustainably (Munah included!).
Collectively, we have prolonged the life of our wardrobe thereby saving a total of 400 kilograms of CO2E emissions + 800,000 litres of water!
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